Senior Customer Success Manager
As a customer success professional, Marco has learned, like a spider in the web, to connect people, increase cooperation, break barriers and help to take the most out of the investment in the solutions. Currently he's the Customer Success Account Manager for Microsoft, managing proactively global accounts.
16 May 2024 11:45 - 12:30
Networking roundtable discussions
In this networking roundtable session, attendees will have a chance to connect with fellow CS peers and learn from each other. Each discussion topic will be led by an expert speaker, who will facilitate and guide the conversation to ensure maximum impact. Discussion topics: 1. Customer experience 2. Relationships at the core: A guide to customer trust and retention 3. Success by design: Structuring effective customer plans 4. Strategies for building and nurturing a customer value-driven culture 5. High touch to low-touch transformation