Senior Director, Customer Success
Jen Galvan is a Sr. Director of Customer Success at Box. With over 25 years of experience in software and cloud solutions, Jen has a passion for helping customers drive revenue, enhance profitability, and improve efficiency. Throughout her tenure in leadership, Jen has prided herself on building high-performing teams.
13 November 2024 15:15 - 15:45
Mastering CSM management - building high-performing teams
This session is tailored for senior professionals and aspiring leaders looking to excel in CSM management and construct top-performing teams. The importance of hiring, growing, and retaining the right people is essential to building a high-performing team. In this session, Jen will discuss her key principles for finding the right CSMs, fostering a team culture, and creating a thriving environment that drives exceptional customer success outcomes. Join us to hone your leadership skills, empowering you to lead with confidence and elevate your CSM teams to new heights of excellence.