Former Chief Customer Officer
Prior to his last role as the Chief Customer Officer at ID.me, a secure digital identity network, Mike served as a Vice President of Customer Success at Emburse, Mike was partnering with customers to achieve their business objectives through optimal use of Emburse’s solutions. With over 15 years of experience in SaaS/Customer Success (CallidusCloud, Oracle and Mitek), Mike has worked with some of the largest brands around the globe.
22 May 2024 09:45 - 10:15
First impressions matter: Elevating your onboarding experience
The onboarding experience sets the tone for a long-lasting customer relationship. This presentation delves into the art and science of crafting exceptional onboarding journeys that captivate and convert. Through real-world examples and actionable strategies, you will learn how to design onboarding processes that resonate with customers, ensuring they start their journey with confidence and enthusiasm. Join us for an insightful session that emphasizes the pivotal role of first impressions in driving customer satisfaction and long-term success. Elevate your onboarding, elevate your business.