Co-Founder & CEO
Jamie Davidson is the co-founder and CEO of Vitally -- the first Customer Success Platform optimized for productivity. Prior to Vitally, Jamie co-founded Pathgather where he served as CTO, and then Chief Customer Officer (CCO) before leaving to start Vitally. Along with co-founder and CTO, Patrick Vatterott, Jamie built Vitally with the mission of helping businesses implement personalized Customer Success efficiently at any scale.
04 December 2024 11:00 - 11:30
Differentiated customer success: building a CS process that fuels sales and beats competitors
Join Jamie as he shares key insights around the importance of differentiated customer success (CS) and how it can drive sales and outperform competitors. You can expect to learn why CS is essential and how it serves as the customer’s sherpa, guiding them towards success with your product, and the reasons why differentiation in CS is crucial, from attracting new customers to fuelling positive sentiment. Following this session, you’ll have key insights on how internal productivity can drive external impact and innovation in CS. Looking forward to having you join us for an insightful session on building a CS process that sets you apart from the competition!