Senior Vice President of Customer Success
Nicoal has spent the last 27 years in high tech working for big and small companies alike. She spent time during the dotcom run at companies like Siebel Systems and SAP where she spun tales as a sales consultant. Nicoal then spent the decade following the “birth of the cloud” in start-ups as a sales leader and customer success executive. Most recently she spent the last 8 years at Microsoft as a leader of their Americas customer success team where she helped to create customer success for the business application group. Currently, she runs customer success teams at Varicent, where she is tasked with training her CSMs and customers alike to speak value through the product.
23 May 2024 09:45 - 10:15
Creating “The big picture” with the customer: Attaching your product to their business objectives
Nowadays customer success hinges on more than just delivering a product; it's about fostering a strategic partnership that aligns with the customer's business objectives. This presentation will explore the crucial steps in attaching your product to the broader goals of your customers, thereby creating "the big picture" that ensures mutual success. From understanding customer needs to mapping product features to business outcomes, we'll delve into practical strategies for cultivating meaningful relationships and driving long-term value.