Di Blasio
Manager of Customer Success, APJ
Alex currently works at Smartsheet as the Manager of Customer Success for APJ. With 15 years of experience encompassing Customer Success, Support, Implementation and Operations Alex has developed a deep understanding of the interconnect across Customer Excellence. From securing multinational FinTech investment at Start-ups all the way to NASDAQ listed SaaS organisations, Alex has seen how a human-centric mindset is critical to developing successful teams, customers and organisations. Alex's passion and specialisation is growing satellite offices and teams along with co-creating strong interdepartmental partnerships.
31 October 2024 11:15 - 12:00
Panel: Leadership in customer success: Scaling and structuring your team for success
Join us for a panel discussion on the key leadership principles for scaling and structuring a customer success team for success. Our panelists will share their experiences and insights on topics such as: - Defining your customer success goals - Building a strong customer success culture - Hiring and managing customer success managers - Measuring and optimizing customer success performance This is a must-attend session for any leader who is responsible for scaling and growing their customer success team.

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