Head of Client Success
With a decade in PropTech and FinTech, Robert is a dedicated customer success leader skilled in designing successful CS programs and contributing to holistic CX initiatives. He thrives on crafting exceptional customer experiences that drive growth and satisfaction. Currently, Robert leads customer success at ProCircular.
04 December 2024 09:00 - 09:15
Chairperson opening remarks
Welcome to the Customer Success Festival London. Join us as our chairperson kicks off this incredible day, packed full of unforgettable sessions and learnings.
04 December 2024 16:50 - 17:00
Closing remarks
Our chairperson brings day one to a close with a brief summary before happy hour begins.
05 December 2024 11:30 - 12:15
Workshop: Shifting from reactive to proactive: Empowering your CS team with strategic focus
In today's constantly shifting business landscape, the role of Customer Support (CS) teams has evolved from being merely reactive problem solvers to strategic partners driving organizational growth. This workshop delves into the transformative journey of transitioning your CS team from a reactive mindset to a proactive force armed with strategic thinking. You can unlock a new level of customer engagement and loyalty by equipping your team with the tools and insights to anticipate customer needs and deliver value beyond troubleshooting. This workshop will explore practical strategies to empower your CS team to think strategically. We'll delve into: - The importance of data-driven decision-making - Showcasing how leveraging customer insights can uncover hidden patterns and opportunities - How to proactively identify potential pain points and create tailored solutions that address immediate issues and align with broader business goals By fostering cross-functional collaboration and encouraging proactive communication, you can create a seamless flow of information that bridges the gap between customer feedback and product development, ensuring your CS team becomes a vital driver of strategic innovation. Join us to learn how shifting from reactive to proactive CS can reshape your team's role and revolutionize your company's success.

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